Monday 20 February 2012

Recipe Tryout - "Red Kidney Bean Curry"

I'm going to hang my head in semi-despair here, and say that I completely ruined what seemed to look like a promising dish.

The reason? The recipe I used, from the blog smittenkitchen, listed the ingredients in cups. Being English, I have no friggin' idea what a 'cup' denotes, and so spent half an hour decoding the ingredients into grams. Unfortunately, I made a mistake with the ginger.
The dish smelt amazing, and texture wise was good, not to mention the short cooking time, but my blunder of chucking in way too much ginger let me down. It totally overpowered my mouth with each bite.

Disappointingly, behind the ginger, I could tell that the curry recipe was actually really, really good. There was an occasional moment when the taste that was supposed to be there got past that blasted root, and it was wonderful. (If only I'd followed my gut instinct when I thought there seemed to be a lot of ginger on the chopping board!)

I'll probably try making this again in the future - but only after I figure out the cup measurement conversions better!

No rating, since it was my own fault I ruined it. Have some photos instead! (It did seem rather photogenic, so at least some good came out of it).

Also, having learnt my lesson from the frappuccino earlier today, I made myself finish my bowl (especially since I'd only had those breakfast pancakes to eat all day - and also because I couldn't really chuck it since some of my flatmates were in the kitchen too). I can tell you, there was no "second bite" moment here!

Calories per serving:
180 without bread
(I didn't use olive oil like the recipe stated, but a spray instead)

On a side note - I'm going to try another coffee tomorrow! (But this time hot, I'm not repeating today's freezefest again in a hurry, haha).
"Caffè Misto / au lait" (Starbucks again, but if I like it enough I'll buy some cheap coffee and make it myself at home in the future). Gonna have a tall with skimmed milk, and either vanilla or caramel - or both if I'm feeling greedy! - sugar free syrup added to it. Only 55 calories too ;]


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